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Cornas is a French wine Appellation d'Origine Contrôlée (AOC) in the northern Rhône wine region of France south of Lyon. It is one of the smallest appellations in the Rhône valley and produces only red wine, from the Syrah grape.
Cornas, along with the rest of the northern Rhône, has a continental climate rather than the Mediterranean climate found in the south. However unlike some of the other northern Rhône appellations, Cornas is mostly shielded from the cold le mistral winds that can last into the Spring, and is often the first appellation in the north to begin the harvest.The vineyards are just north of Valence, in a fairly small area of steep slopes facing east south east, south of Tain l'Hermitage. The vineyards are situated at anything between 100 meters and 400 meters above sealevel. In the northern part, especially near "Les Chaillot", the soil contains chalk but is mostly sandy and rocky, with characteristic reddish-brown dirt. The sunny sector of "Quartier de Reynard" which has vines at 300 meters has a granite soil. To the south, near "La Côte" and "La Combe", the soil is mostly clay. It is a small appellation of only 90 hectares, with an average output of 4,000 hl.. By way of comparison there are individual châteaux in Bordeaux which produce more wine than the entire Cornas appellation.

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